This is the face of my grandson
The one who knows that
When you draw a person
You start with the heart
"Because everyone needs a heart,
Right Gramma?"
Yes Nico, everyone needs a heart,
a kind and loving heart,
just like yours!
This is the face of my grandson,
The one who said, "My heart hurts, Mama"
When she asked why, he said,
"Because I keep thinking of Great Papa
And how much he loved basketball
And it makes me sad that
He's not here to play with me
and to watch me play."
This is the face of my grandson
The one who is so full of life and ideas and words and action
The one who can figure out any problem
As long as he is able to move
The one who is the first to ask,
"Are you okay?" when his team mates go down
The one who creates
art and poetry that show
Red really IS like a volcano
erupting for the first time!
This is the face of my granddaughter,
The one who spends most of her days
upside down.
The one who shares all of her heart
in all she does
and radiates enthusiasm from every pore.
The one who needs just the right amount of
fierce independence
balanced with,"I need my blankie,"
night time music with Daddy,
And make -me-better hugs from Mommy.
This is the face of my grandson.
The daring one who wants to know,
"Will you play with me?"
The one who loves chocolate anything
(just like his Gramma) but won't eat vegetables,
The one who adores his big sister so much
but will knock down her carefully created tower
in the blink of an eye with a smile on his face
The one who gazes at his little sister with love
and says, "Hewwo, wittle, Waywa!"
This is the face of my granddaughter,
the one who first taught us
about the magic a grandchild can bring to your life.
The one who was born an old soul,
diplomatic, kind and caring, right from the start.
The one who knows her way around
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
And dreams of travelling the world.
This is the face of my granddaughter
the one they say looks just like me (lucky me!).
The one we all hug and snuggle
and do crazy things for, just to make her smile.
The one who has been so mellow
but is showing signs of becoming
a strong girl with a voice of her own
The one we are surrounding
with all of our love
curious to see who she will grow in to.
These are the faces of my grandchildren,
They bless us with their laughter
and curiosity, their temper tantrums
and their make-up squeezie hugs,
their crazy senses of humour and the
kind of pure, loving words
that can only come from a child.
These are my grandchildren.
Lucky me!