Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hot Summer Nights in the Fraser Valley

H - heavenly stench coming from fields freshly covered in manure:)
O - Oh what a beautiful place we live in! 
T - Travelling the countryside on my bike 'cause the roads are flat:)

S - Screeching birds scrambling from the trees as I ride by
U - Under the shade of a big old tree drinking ice water from my thermos
M - Monstrous shadows beginning to stretch longer and longer
M - Millions of mosquitoes coming to feast on me as the sun disappears:(
E - Exercise is so much easier on these long summer evenings
R - Ribbit, Ribbit, Ribbit.  Hope they're eating mosquitoes:)

N - Noticing all the sounds and smells and sights around me
I - Incessant balls of cottonwood floating through the air-a summertime snowstorm
G - Geese and ducks and red-wing blackbirds make such different sounds
H - "Hellos" from people enjoying the evening on their front porches
T - Taught wires overhead filled by blackbirds all in a row
S - Summer is MY time of the year!

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