Monday, November 5, 2012

First comes love, then comes marriage. . .

I am a marriage commissioner.  I can't think of a more perfect retirement job. I spend time with people who are in love and who are embarking on a lifetime of adventure with each other.  When they share their vows with me I get a glimpse inside of their hearts and I find that very special and rewarding.
I have married people in horse pastures, on baseball diamonds, underneath waterfalls, in fancy gardens and ordinary kitchens. I have married people in their 20's and people in their 80's (No, not to each other:)  I have married people as hundreds have watched on and I have married people with just their two best friends there to witness both their love and commitment to each other.
Yesterday I received an e-mail from a young woman wanting to know if I could marry her and her fiance on December 21st.  I confirmed with them that I was available and that I felt honoured to be included in their special day.  Her response explained why that day was so important to them.  December 21st is a special day in the Mayan culture. 
The Mayan culture predicted a change in consciousness in the world around December 21, 2012.
They predicted a deep change in the universe through the alignment of planets.
This will result in a shift of focus from materialism and selfishness into love, kindness and internal peace
I can't think of a better reason to pick a day to be married and love that it fell on my birthday. I hope they're right!

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